Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Using e-journal and e-books for teaching learning and research


Using e-journal and e-books for teaching learning and research
Modern information and communication technologies (ICTs) is now a great source of information for teaching, learning and research which cannot be ignored by students, teachers and researchers, especially in tertiary institutions. The internet system in particular has different types of online resources which one can access information appropriate for teaching, learning and research.

For the purpose of writing this note for my students. Resources for literature researches available include.
1. Electronic journals
2. Collections of papers, articles, pre-prints
3. Online bibliographic databases
4. Abstracts
5. Tables of contents
6. Library catalogues
7. Online texts and textbooks
8. Online Conferences/meetings materials
9. Other resources such as Data archives; Datasets; Statistical packages for data analysis; course plans and lecture notes; online tutorials; online training materials; etc.

One Website for E-Journal is “EBSCO HOST”. The procedure to open this:
- User ID ……………..
- Password …………..
- When you open the internet explorer check
o Academic search premier
o From there go publications
o Then type the name of the journal
o It will show you – Browse; enter;
o Then go either Browse or enter
o It will give you names of the volumes of the journal
o Then you can choose
o You can open the articles and read or download the one you are searching

However, recalling my experience with all categories of students on use of internet for learning and research, there is need for a caution.
- That online materials is not a substitute for traditional materials sourced from the library. That is why very often I select and give materials not from internet.
- Students should know what information they need from library and what from online
- Students should regard information from internet for analysis and interpretation.

M.M. Yusuf October 2006

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