Monday, 14 March 2011




Pol. 4301: Military and Society

Academic year: 2010/2011

Instructor: M.M. Yusif




The title of this course remains as "Military and Politics" as on the original teaching programmes of the Department. The scope and content of the science was conceived not beyond "old modernization" theory, to explain why military intervened directly in politics and its role, os a modernizing agent in political and economic development.


In the last 25 years there have been deep structural changes locally, nationally and globally which necessarily caused the re-organization of the military role and missions, thereby affecting the relationship of Armed forces and society.


The structural changes are accompanied by theoretical and paradigm shift in the study of military and politics. Furthermore, the science becomes not a monopoly of political science, as it becomes a subject of study in history, sociology, law, international relations and other social science disciplines.


Our focus in this academic year is on the relationship of Armed Forces and Society. Especially from the angle of what changes the military of various countries are going through in order to cope with its legitimate responsibilities. For example, what happened to traditional features of military life, organization, professionalism, and even the armed forces unique culture?


We are going to explore these changes both from theory and practice perspectives. A comparative study will be made, drawing countries from across the globe to analyze and assess the military abilities or otherwise to change to cope with reality of new organization of the military in relation to neo-liberal society.


Course outline

  1. Introduction: introducing the course and what it contains; where is it in political science; course requirements; aid for learning and research; assessment of the teaching programme by students; getting acquainted; division of students into seminars.
  2. The concept: Armed Forces/Military: what meaning? For what purpose? What orientation?
  3. Military and Society: Theoretical perspectives
  4. Constructing military – Society relation in neo-liberal globalization
  5. Armed Forces in post-modern society: the post-modern Military
  6. Information Technology and Military Affairs
  7. Post-modern warfare system
  8. The New-Military Formations, the New Civil-Military relations
  9. Globalization, Security and the Military
  10. Comparative Studies of the New Military Organization
  11. Conclusion I: Theoretical conclusion; Reports on Seminar Semester Projects and response papers
  12. Conclusion II: Eating and Chatting; critical comments on classroom experience

Essential Readings

  1. Paul Hirst, The future of political studies
  2. Shu Yun Ma, "Political Science at the edge of chaos"? The Paradigmatic shift IPSR vol. 28 No. I (2007)
  3. Mauro C. and Rosanna D. "E. Research: An Introduction to Online Political Science Sources for beginners and skeptics". IPSR Vol. 28 No. 2 (2007).
  4. Stephen V. F. Guide to methods for students of Political Science. Website
  5. M. M. Yusif, Principles of teaching and learning in classes of M. M. Yusif. Website
  6. M. M. Yusif, Education and transformation of individual as students. Website
  7. M. M. Yusif, How to write small research project. Website
  8. Engels F. Anti-Duhring pgs 195-225
  9. Roxa Luxemburg, The Accumulation of capital pgs 454 – 467
  10. Lenin, state and revolution
  11. Jack woddis, Armies and Politics chapters 2 and 13
  12. Paul Commack, David Pool and willian Tordott, Third World Politics: A Comparative Introduction. Chapters 2 and 4
  13. Sushila Ramaswamy, Political Theory: Ideas and Concepts. Pgs. 89 – 92
  14. David Chuter, Defence Transformation. ISS Monograph No. 49 (200)
  15. Anthony Forster, Armed Forces and Society in Europe pgs. 1 – 18
  16. Charles C. Moskos et-al, The Post-modern Military. Chapter 1 and others
  17. Timothy E. et-al, The Armed Forces and Society: A Frame work for Analysis
  18. A. F. Klimenko, globalization and its impact on military politics and strategy
  19. Martin Shaw, "The Development of Common-Risk Society".
  20. Bradford Booth et-al, Are Post-cold war Militaries post-Modern?
  21. Anthony Forster, A Critique of the Postmodern Military Thesis: The European Challenge
  22. Anthony Forster, "The Post-Modern Military: the Irony of Strengthening defence
  23. No name, The post-Fordist Military
  24. No name, IT and Global Ruling class
  25. Max Boot, The Paradox of Military Technology
  26. Castells M. Information Technology, Globalisation and Social formation.
  27. Paul T. M. Network Centric warfare: coalition operations in the age of US military primacy
  28. Gerald Schneider, war in the era of globalization
  29. Phillip Harmmond, Post modernity goes to war
  30. Michael E. from kadesh to Kandahar: Military theory and the future of war
  31. Samuel P. Huntington, The Soldier and the State: the theory and Politics of Civil-Military relations.
  32. Albright D. "A comparative conceptualization of civil-Military relation". World Politics vol. 44 No. 3
  33. Christopher Dandeker, "The Military in Democratic Societies: New times and new Pattern of Civil-Military Relations".
  34. Richard H. K. The Erosion of Civilian control of the military in the USA today. Naval war college Review vol. 48 No. 3
  35. Mikkel V. R. "A Parallel globalization of terror: Security and Globalisation". In cooperation and conflict vol. 37 No. 3
  36. Sunday Ochoche, "The Military and National Security in Africa".
  37. John F. B. "The Indonesian Military as a Professional organization: Criteria and Ramification for Reform
  38. John A. W. "The Postmodern Military reconsidered". In Charles C. M.
  39. Wilfred V. B. "Re-nationalisation of Military strategy? Now Challenges for the Armed Forces in a Changing Global Environment". In Jungercrand jeen C.
  40. Chunakhra G. M. "The Militarisation of Politics and society".
  41. Gruta S. "Theoretical Postulation: A twin van in Understanding Military and Politics.
  42. Janowit Z, The Professional Armed

Course Requirements

The last thirty minutes of each lecture period will be for discussion of some readings given as weekly assignment. Note that these assignments are as important as the end of the semester examination. Any student who failed to do one weekly exercise will miss all the points earmarked for class work.


Evaluation of students will be based on end of the semester examination (70%) and continues Assessment (30%). On the CA Students will normally be required to do so many things including the said weekly assignment; a Group Small research project: research project response papers; working Groups discussion, a supervised test as well as full class attendance which is a requirement to be allowed to write the semester examination on the course.


In order to build competence and skills in work, new methods of usage of ICT for learning will be devised. Students would also be programmed to cultivate expressions in poetic compositions. So, poetry writing will be revived to capture self-expressions of the issues we are going to treat on the course.


The relationship between students on the one hand and students and the teacher on the other hand determine a successful programme for development of knowledge to understand human behavior and the world in general. That is why my last contact with students will be critical comments on classroom experience both by the teacher and the students.


All other things of the requirement of class work in your 300 Level also applied here. For example plagiarism and any other academic dishonesty will not be tolerated in my class. Secondly, active participation by asking questions and making comments is the best way of learning which each student must try to use. Thirdly, there are on my blogspot, many different materials showing how to improve quality of learning and research. So, you are required to access them.


Finally, my watchword in this academic session is "Education for Transformation of Individuals as students". Get ready. Each one of you is going to show and tell us that he/she has changed, from the time we have started to the end of the course and beyond.


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