Monday, 1 November 2010

The Buhari Project Nigeria”: A View from Pro-Democracy Activist

"The Buhari Project Nigeria": A View from Pro-Democracy Activist


In spite of so many position papers on political and economic development in Nigeria there is no serious nation-wide debate on any blueprint on whether it provides an alternative economic and democracy development. And I could say without fear of ignorance that there is just as clearly no single programme or design, except perhaps for struggle for political and civil rights, by pro-democracy movements, to break from the prison of economic and political neo-liberalism.


From the outset of the struggle for democracy, various groups have courageously struggled and in the end we got the democracy. Unfortunately, global forces smartly intervened with all their institutions which have reduced the democracy to "low intensity" democracy.


Other groups from the ruling class perspective, in order to capture power claimed to have articulated alternative economic and political programme for development of Nigeria.


That is the case with "Buhari project – Nigeria". The history of General Buhari in Nigeria's political history is not new. From the onset of his political adventure, he had never identified with working-class course, not generally speaking with peoples agenda. But of a National capitalist orientation.


How is his earlier vision going to fit into the current neo-liberal agenda? Is the "Buhari project-Nigeria" contains the miracles that would give Nigerians the democracy and the economic development beyond the value of neo-liberalism? Why is it the democracy groups and mass organizations have not even identified the "Buhari project-Nigeria" to follow and use to advance their mission for democracy in Nigeria?


Is it for ideological reasons that the democracy groups have ignored partnership around "Buhari project-Nigeria"? Oh! Have we lost our theoretical roots? Neo-liberal globalization has narrowed the space of democracy and democracy struggle. The forces are very strong and complex. In order to widen the scope and expand the space for democracy struggles a non-traditional approach even if it is going to involve political risks may not be avoided.


That is why struggle for democracy in a neo-liberal society may be adventurous. In a political parlance, at least anarchistic. The experience is a good example. In spite of all the strategic limitations of that experiment, the pro-democracy groups in Latin America have moved chavismo tendency to a political and economic logic of resistance against neo-liberalism.


Otherwise, what kind of democracy in a neo-liberal society if the market system is not opposed? What about adding another logic or round on the Leninist tradition, first against neo-liberalism, second a popular or any other democracy which contains original substance of liberal democracy, and finally any other economic structure not of neo-liberal type. Yes! market economic system played a historical progressive role in the death of feudalism, development of capitalism and the formation of a working-class as a strong force which allied with the emerging merchants who metamorphose into the capitalist class to push for development of fine ideas and practice of democracy which propels the self-development and creativity of individuals as well as of the society as a whole.

Is the market of today doing the same thing? No! As Robert Reich (2008) said, it has only succeeded in producing "super capitalism" which crashes democracy in order to allow "Big Business" to thrive.


The purpose of this paper is to make an assessment of the "Buhari Project-Nigeria", from a pro-democracy activist point of view. The structure of the paper will contain a theoretical context, the background of Buhari political tendency, the programme and assessment of its limitations as well as going beyond it from a pro-democracy perspective.


M. M. Yusuf

Department of Political Science

Bayero University, Kano

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