Monday, 28 January 2008




M.M. Yusif

Compiled for Students of Labour and Politics Studies In The Department of Political Science, Bayero University, Kano – Nigeria


1. A Reader, Role of Trade Unions in the South African Revolution” No. 82, (1980)
2. A. G. Hopkins, “The Lagos strike of 1897: An exploration in Nigerian Labour History” in Robin Cohen, Peter W. Gutkind and Phyllis Brazier (ed.) Peasant and Proletarians.
3. A. J. Pouyal, “The ILO’s Freedom of association standards and Machinery: a summing up” ILR Vol. 121 No. 5 (1982)
4. A. R. Mustapha, “At NLC 2nd Tri-Ennial Conference” New Dimension April, 1984
5. A. S. Mohammed, “The Nigerian students crisis of 1986” ROAPE No. 37
6. A. S. Mohammed, The Struggle for Democratic Rights and Socialism in Nigeria 1979-1986
7. A. T. Nzul & et al, Forced Labour in Colonial Africa, 1979
8. Abel K. Ubeku, Industrial relations in Developing Countries: the case of Nigeria
9. Abubakar Umar, “Labour Leaders are Politicians” Interview with Sunday New Nigerian 8/10/89
10. Adraian Peace, “Industrial Protest in Nigeria” in as No. 128 above
11. Adrain Peace, “The Lagos proletarian: Labour Aristocrats and populist Militants” in as (162) above
12. Adrain Peace, “The Lagos Proletarian: Labour Aristocrats or populist Militants? In Harry Gouldourne, Politics and State in the Third World
13. Adrain Peace, Choice, class and conflicts in Nigeria
14. AFL-CIO, “Strikes in Poland” in Freedom at issue No. 58, 1980
15. Aikhomu A: Address to the President and members of the NLC on 14/8/87
16. Albert A. Blum, A history of the American Labour Movement
17. Albert Fried and Roland Sande S., A documentary History of Socialist Thought (read chapters on Anarchism, Syndicalism and Revisionism).
18. Alfred Pankert, “Some legal problems of workers International Solidarity” in International Labour Review Vol. 116 No. 1 (1977)
19. Ali Ciroma, Government plays on workers’ intelligence” The standard, Friday 18th July, 1986
20. Alliance for Democratic Rights (ADR), Programme of Alliance for Democratic Rights, 1982
21. Anonymous, Ghana’s Revolutionary Process: the ideological conflict.
22. Arnold Hugher & R. Cohen, “An emerging Nigerian working-class: the Lagos experience, 1897-1939” in African Labour History
23. Assibifi News, Newspaper by Senior Staff of Banks and other financial institutions
24. ASUU, ASUU in The NLC
25. ASUU, How to save Nigeria
26. Augustine I. Ahiuuzu, “Cultural influences on managerial industrial relations policies in Nigeria Labour and Society Vol. 8 No.2 (1983)
27. Ayse Trak, Multinational Enterprises and Labour Problems in Underdeveloped Countries: A survey, 1978
28. Babatope Ebenezer, Nigeria: the socialist alternative
29. Bafyau, “Students and workers have nothing in common” Interview with the Democrat Weekly January 29, 1989
30. Bafyau, “Unity of Nigerian workers is our priority” The Economist February 28th – March 13th 1989
31. Ben Turok, Africa: what can be done? (1987)
32. Berge Essenberg, “The interaction of industrial relations and the political process in developing countries” Labour and Society Vol. 6 No.1 (1981)
33. Bill Freund, Capital and Labour in the Nigerian Tin Mines Ltd 9539
34. Bjorn Beckman, Peasants and Democratic struggles in Nigeria, 1986
35. Bjorn Beckman, State, Class and Democracy (1988)
36. Bjorn Beckman, Whose Democracy? Bourgeoisie Vs popular Democracy in Africa (1989)
37. Bob Fine, “The workers struggles in south Africa” in ROAPE No. 24
38. CARI, The Iranian working-class: a survey of conditions, repression and struggles (1977)
39. Cherry Gertzel, “Labour and the state: The case of Zambia’s Mine workers Unions”
40. Christopher E. F. Beer & G. Williams “The Politics of the Ibadan Peasantry” in as No. (132) above
41. Comintern, The Revolutionary Movement in the Colonies: Thesis on the revolutionary Movement in the Colonies and Semi-colonies, adopted by the sixth World Congress of the Communist International 1928
42. Communiqué of the Conference Organised by ASUU on the future politics in Nigeria, during the political debate
43. Correspondent, “The role of workers in the Economic and Political Development in Nigeria” New Dimension April, 1984
44. Cunt Fernan, “Co-operation for self-reliance: the Textile Labour Association of Ahmedabad” ILR Vol. 121 No. 5 (1982)
45. Cyril Ramaphosa, “COSATU: Opening speech to the inaugural congress” ROAPE No. 35
46. Dafe Otobo (ed.) Foreign Interests and Nigerian Trade Unions, 1986
47. Dafe Otobo (ed.) Reading in Industrial Relations in Nigeria, 1987
48. Dafe. Otobo, The Nigerian General Strike of 1981 ROAPE No. 22
49. Dafe. Otobo, The Political Clash in the aftermath of the 1981 Nigerian General Strike. ROAPE 25
50. Dan O. Meara, “The 1946 African Mine workers’ strike and the political Economy of South African in JCCS Vol. 13 (1975)
51. Dan O. Meara, “White Trade Unionism, Political Power and Afrikanar Nationalism in Webster (ed.) Essays in southern Africa Labour History.
52. Dapo Fatogun, “A United Froat of Left and Democratic Forces” in Asikpo E. (ed.) Political Repression and Assassination.
53. David H. Freedman, “Work in Nigeria: a cornerstone of meeting the needs of the people” ILR Vol. 120 No. 6 (1981)
54. David Hemson, “Liberation and working-class struggles in South Africa” ROAPE No. 9
55. David Lucas, “Female employment in Lagos 1973” in Manpower and unemployment Research Vol.7 No.2 (1974)
56. David Rosenberg, “The Labour Aristocracy: an interpretation of the African Working-class” in IDS, Univ. of Kenya (1976)
57. Dominic Strinati, “Capitalism, the state and Industrial relations” in Colin Crouch (ed.) state and Economy in Contemporary Capitalism JC 507
58. Dorothy Remy, “Economic security and Industrial Unionism: a Nigerian case study” in as (162) above
59. Dudley Seers, “What needs are really basic in Nigeria? Some thoughts promoted by an ILO Mission” ILR Vol. 120 No. 6 (1980)
60. E. B. Ian Borastan and S. Frenkel, Shop stewards in Action; the organisation of workplace conflict and accommodation
61. E. E. Uvieghana, Trade Union Law in Nigeria Ltd 6871 No.5
62. Eddie Madunagu, Human Progress and its enemies: the struggle for a more human social order in Nigeria
63. Eddie Madunagu, Problems of Socialism in Nigeria: The Nigerian Challenge
64. Eddie Madunagu, The tragedy of the Nigerian Left
65. Efim Maneurch, Labour in the USSR: Problems and solutions
66. Eskor Toyo, The Third Republic and the Working Class
67. Evereth M. Kassalow, “Industrial Democracy and Collective bargaining”, Labour and Society Vol.7 No. 3 (1982)
68. Everett M. Kassalow, “Crisis in the world steel industry: Union-Management responses in four countries” Labour & Society Vol.10 No.3 (1985)
69. F. Iyayi, State Intervention in Industrial relations in Nigeria: Actions in Historical and ideological context
70. Fatimah Halim, “Workers resistance and management control: A comparative case study of male and female workers in west Malaysia” JCA Vol. No.4 (1984)
71. First hand Account by Iraian Oil worker, “How we organised strike that paralysed Shahs regime” in Peter Nore and Terisa Turner (ed.) Oil and Class Struggle.
72. FORWARD, a Newspaper by NUBIFIE
73. Frederick Engels, “a critique of the Drafted Social Democratic Programme of 1891” selected works Vol.3
74. G. Andrae & Bjorn Beckman, Labour and Industrial Crisis in the Third World: the case of Nigerian Textiles and Cotton 1984.
75. G. Andrae & Bjorn Beckman, Labour and Industrial Crisis in the Third World: the case of Nigerian Textiles and Cotton 1984
76. G. Andrae & Bjorn Beckman, Workers’ power and the crisis of the Nigerian Textile Industry 1987
77. G. K. Busch, Political currents in the International Trade Union Movement No. 6942
78. G. Nikolayev, “Trade Unions in the struggle for peace” in International Affairs No. 12 (1983)
79. Gavim Williams, Class Relations and Inequalities in rural Nigeria, 1981
80. Giovanni Arrighi, “Labour Supplies in Historical Perspective: a study of the Proletarianisation of the African Peasantry in Rhodesia” in G. Arrighi and John Saul, Op. Cit.
81. Giovanni Arrigho, “International Corporations, Aristocracies and Economic Development in Africa” in G. Arrighi and John Saul Essays on the Political Economy of Africa
82. Guardian, Import Licences and Industrial disputes 25/9/84
83. H. A. Summonu, “Mismanagement and Fraud: causes of retrenchment” Nigerian Tribune May 8th
84. H. I. Ejembi, Towards a Methodology for studying the Labour Movement in Nigeria
85. H. P. Brown, The Origins of Trade Union Power
86. Harry Braweman, Labour and Monopoly capital No. 51
87. I. G. Shiji, “The Post-Mwongozo struggles in Tanzania” in Harry Goulbourne, (ed.) Politics and state in Third World.
88. ILO, International Labour standards No. 8802
89. Imonite C. Imosile, “Collective bargaining in the Nigerian Private Sector” Labour and Society Vol. 9 No.4 (1984)
90. Institute of Marxism-Leninism of the C.C. of CPSU, Documents of the First International: The Hague Conference of the First International September 2-7 1972 (1978)
91. Institute of Marxism-Leninism, The General Council of the first International
92. Inter-factory strike committee, “The Demands of the Polish workers” in Freedom at issue No. 58 1980
93. J. Zasla, “The State and Trade Unions” Nigeria Journal of Political Science Vol.4 Nos. 1 & 11 1985
94. Jack Jones and Max Morris, A-Z of Trade Unionism and Industrial relations, 1982 HD 6483
95. Jakub Karpinski, “Workers Vs Party-state in Poland” in Freedom at issue No. 58, 1980
96. James Petras, “Terror and the Hydra: the resurgence of the Argentine working-class” in Petras, class, state and power in the Third World, 1981
97. James Solomon, “Trade Union Laws and anti-labour decrees”, New Dimension April, 1984.
98. Jayasumana Obeysekana, “Revolutionary Movements in Ceylon-Ceylon” in Kathleen Gough and H.P. Sharma. Op. Cit.
99. Jean de Givry, “International economic relations and the lessons of industrial relations” IR Vol. 113 No. 3 (1976)
100. Jeff Crisp, Rank-and-file protest at the Goldfields corporation, Ghana 1970-72 (1980)
101. Jeff Crisp, The Labouring poor, Trade Unions and Political change in Ghana: Some empirical and conceptual observations
102. Jeff Crisp, Union atrophy and worker revolt: Labour Protest at Tankwa Goldfields, Ghana, 1968-69
103. Jim Silver, “Class struggles in Ghana’s Mining Industry”, ROAPE No. 12
104. Joe Foster, “Where does FOSATU Stand” ROAPE No. 2
105. John Saul, “The Labour Aristocracy thesis reconsidered” in his state and Revolution in Eastern Africa
106. Jon Krans, “Strikes and Labour Power in Ghana”
107. Jon Krans, Strikes and Labour Power in a post-colonial African State: the case of Ghana
108. Jon Lewis and Estella Randall, “COSATU: the state of the unions” ROAPE No. 35.
109. Jose Nun, “Dismissals in the Angentine auto mobile industry” Labour, capital and society Vol. 12 No.1 (1979)
110. Joseph Tharamangalam, “The Communist Movement and the theory and practice of peasant mobilisation in India”, JCA Vol. 11 No. 4 (1981)
111. Karl Marx, “Fictitious splits in the International” selected works Vol.2
112. Karl Marx, “General Rules of the International Working men’s Association”, selected works Vol.2
113. Karl Marx, “Inaugural address of the workers’ International Association” selected works Vol. 2
114. Karl Marx, “Marginal notes to the programme of the German workers party” selected works Vol.3
115. Karl Marx, Critique of the Gathe Programme” selected works Vol.3
116. Karl Marx, The First International and After, Political Writings Vol. 3 (1974)
117. Karl Marx, The Revolutions of 1848, Political Writings Vol. 1 (1973)
118. Ken Luckhardf and Brenda wall, working for Freedom: Black Trade Union development in South Africa throughout the 1970s
119. Kerstin Leitner, “The situation of agricultural workers in Kenya” ROAPE No. 6
120. L. M. Mahlalots workerism and Economism. Forms of incorporation by the state” No. 104 (1986)
121. Labour Note, “Killing the Trade Unions” The Analyst Vol. 3 No. 4 1988
122. Labour Vanguard, “Bafyau Exco. Revisionist or pragmatist” Vanguard, 21/3/89
123. LCC Trade Unions and Socialism
124. Lee Swepston, “Child Labour: its regulation by ILO standards and national legislation” ILR Vol. 121 No. 5 (1982)
125. Leo-Panitch, Working-class politics in crisis: Essays on Labour and the state
126. Louise Lennihan, Problems of structure and agency in agrarian history: the question of agricultural wage labour in NN, 1982
127. M. A. Tokunboh, Labour Movement in Nigeria: past and present
128. M. M. Yusif, “The Role of Trade Unions in the Struggle for National Liberation in South Africa: the case of SACTU”
129. M. M. Yusif, Human Rights in Nigeria
130. Mai Palmberg, “The Political role of the workers in Tanzania and Zambia” in Mai Palmberg (ed.) Problems of Socialist Orientation in Africa
131. Martin J. Murray, “The Rubber Plantations of colonial Indochina: the colonial state and class struggle between wage-labour and capital, 1910-1940”, in Walter Goldfrank (ed.) The World System of capitalism: past and present.
132. Michael Mason, “Working on the Railway: Forced Labour in MN, 1907-1912” in as No. (3) above
133. Mohan Ram, “The Communist Movement in India”, in Kathleen Gough and Herip. Sharma (ed.) Imperialism and Revolution in South Asia.
134. Mustapha A. R., Foreign Capital and class formation: a Kano Case Study 1983
135. NANS, Nigerian Students Charter of Demands, 1982
136. Nicholas Blain, “Approaches to Industrial relations theory: an appraisal and synthesis” LGS Vol. 3 No. 2 (1978)
137. Nicholas Vantear, “Recession, retrenchment and Military Rule: Nigerian Labour in the 1980s in Roger South (ed.) Trade Union and the Industrialisation of the Third World.
138. Nigel Haworth, “The South African Num in action” ROAPE No. 34.
139. NLC, “Deepening Industrial crisis in Nigeria” Sunday Triumph 27/2/83
140. NLC, “On 1989 budget” The Democrat of 6th and 7th February 1989
141. NLC, The Position of the NLC on the Government white paper on the political bureau report, 1987
142. NLC, The Position of the NLC on the Government white paper on the political bureau report, A case for wage adjustment for workers: A memo, 1987
143. NLC, The Position of the NLC on the Government white paper on the political bureau report, Bulletins on various national issues
144. NLC, Towards a viable and Genuinely Democratic Political Future: Nigerian Working Class Politics
145. NLC, Towards National Recovery: Nigeria Labour Congress’s Alternatives
146. Oilfield workers Trade Union, “In defence of our members and the people of Trinad against global Texaco-exploiter of our labour and natural resources” in Peter Nore and Terisa Turner (ed.) Oil and Class Struggle.
147. Ola Oni, “Proletarian struggles in Nigeria: Historical highlights” in Asikpo E. (ed.) Op. Cit.
148. Ola Oni, Towards a Socialist Political System: The Programme for the working people
149. Oyekan Anije, Trade Union Struggle and Trade Unionism in Nigeria: past, present and future
150. P. C. W. Gutkind, The Emergent African urban proletarian, Occasional paper No. 8 Centre for Developing Area Studies MCGILL University
151. P. R. P. National Research Directorate, who is Responsible? The Nigerian workers and the current Economic Crisis, 1982
152. Pashal Mihyo, “The struggles for workers control in Tanzania” ROAPE No. 4
153. Paul Lubeck, “Industrial Labour in Kano: Historical Origins, Social characteristics and sources of differentiation in B. M. Barkindo (ed.) studies in the History f Kano, 1983
154. Paul Lubeck, Class formation at the periphery: class consciousness & Islamic Nationalism among Nigeria workers, 1979
155. Paul Lubeck, Islam and Urban Labour in NN: the making of a Muslim working class, 1986
156. Paul Lubeck, Labour in Kano since the Petroleum Boom ROAPE No. 13
157. Paul Lubeck, The value of Multiple Methods in Researching Third world strikes: A Nigerian Example
158. Paul Lubeck, Workers & Consciousness in Kano, Nigeria: a view from below in R. Sandbrok & R. Cohen (ed.) The Development of an African working class: studies in class formation & action
159. Peter C.W. Gutkind, Robin Cohen and Jeen Copans (ed.) African Labour History (1978)
160. Peter Waterman “Conservatism amongst Nigerian workers” in G. Williams (ed.) Nigeria: Economy & Society
161. Peter Waterman, “Seeing the straws; riding the whirlwind: reflections on unions and popular movement in India” JCA Vol. 12 No.4 (1982)
162. Peter Waterman, Consciousness, Organisation and Action amongst Lagos Portworkers ROAPE No. 13
163. Peter Waterman, Division and Unity amongst Nigerian workers. Lagos port Unionism, 19405-605
164. Peter Waterman, Marxist concept in the study of Nigerian Trade Uniionism, 1979
165. Peter Waterman, The Labour Aristocracy in Africa: Introduction to an unfinished con
166. Piact, “The ICO and the quality of working life: a new international programme” ILR Vol. 117 No. 3 (1978)
167. Piet Konings, Political Consciousness and political action of industrial workers in Ghana: a case study of Valco workers at Tema.
168. Progress Publishers, The International Working-class Movement: Problems of History and Theory Vols. 1 and 2
169. Progress Publishers, what is Social Democratic Socialism?
170. R. B. Davison, Industrial relations Decrees in Nigeria: Questions and Answers to explain the Law, 1977
171. R. Cohen, Labour and Politics in Nigeria
172. R. Davies et al, “The workers struggle in south Africa: debates”
173. R. S. Nyameko, “Workers Militancy demands Trade Union United Front” No. 95 (1983)
174. Report to the Third Bi-Ennial Delegates Conference of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) by the National President Dr. Festus Iyayi, at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka on Friday, 19th Feb. 1988
175. Richard Hyman, Marxism and the Sociology of Trade Unionism (HX 544).
176. Richard Jefferies, “The Labour Aristocracy? Ghana case study” ROAPE No 3.
177. Richard Jefferies, Class, Power and Ideology: the railwaymen of Sekondi
178. Richard Mooraom, “Labour Consciousness and the 1971-72 contract workers’ strike in Namibia”, in Development and Change Vol. 10 (1970)
179. Richard SandBrook and Robin Cohen (ed.) The Development of an African Working-class: Studies in class formation and Action.
180. Richard SandBrook, Proletarian and African Capitalism: the Kenya case 1960-1972
181. Richard SandBrook, The Politics of Basic needs: Urban aspects of Assaulting poverty in Africa
182. Rimi M. A. Labour Union and Party Politics, 1982
183. Robert Davies and David Lewis, “Industrial relations legislation: One of capital’s defences” ROAPE No.7
184. Robert Looker (ed.) Rosa Luxemburg: selected political writings
185. Robert Nkearney, “The Political Impact of Strikes and disorder in Cevlon” in R. Cohen, P.C.W. Gultkind and P. Brazier Op. Cit.
186. Robin Cohen, “Resistance and hidden forms of consciousness among African workers RAOPE No. 19
187. Robin Cohen, “The Politics of unemployment in Mauritius” Manpower and Unemployment Research Vol.11 No. 1 (1978)
188. Robin Cohen, Peter C.W. Gutkind and Phyllis Brazier, peasants and proletarians: the struggles of Third World workers
189. Robin Kendrick, “Survey of Industrial relations in Cameroon”
190. Ruth where, “The Dangers of Legal Marxism in south Africa” AC No. 99 (1984)
191. S. P. Novoselov, Alliance of the Working-class and the peasantry (1959)
192. S. P. Novoselov, On the Unity of the International Communist Movement (1966)
193. S. P. Novoselov, Problems of the Communist Movement (1975)
194. Salim Lacha, “Character of wage labour in early industrial Almedaba” JCA Vol. 15 No. 4 (1985)
195. Sam Jackson, Hausa Women on strike ROAPE No. 13
196. SandBrook and Jack Ann, The Labouring Poor and Urban class formation: The Greater Accra.
197. Seven Trade Unions in Britain, Trade Union strategy in the face of corporate power: the case for multi-union combine shop stewards committees.
198. Sharon B. Sticher, “Workers, Trade Unions and the MauMau rebellion” CJAS Vol. 9 No.2 (1975)
199. Shelby Shapiro, Unions and Racism
200. Simi A. Afonja, “An investigation of the relationship between accidents, alienation and withdrawal from work: results of Field research in Nigeria” Labour and Society Vol.3 No.2 (1978)
201. Sonni-Gwanle Tyoden, The Dilemma of the Nigerian Left
202. Stanley Aronowitz, “The Labour Movement and the left in the USA” in the Socialist Register (1980)
203. Stanley Aronowitz, “Trade Unions and Politics in Britain”, Socialist Review No. 53
204. Stepan Shalayev, Soviet Trade Union: an influential force in society
205. T. M. Yesufu, An Induction to Industrial relations in Nigeria
206. T. M. Yesufu, The dynamics of Industrial relations: the Nigerian experience.
207. Tayo Fashoyin, Industrial relations in Nigeria
208. Tayo Fashoyin, Trade Unionist and quality of work: perspectives from Nigeria” Labour and Society Vol.. 9 No. 3
209. Terisa Turner, “Iranian Oil workers in the 1978 – 79 Revolution”, in Peter Nore and Terisa Turner; Oil and Class struggle.
210. The Axe: A Quarterly Marxist Journal
211. The Constitution of the Conference of Progress and Equity
212. The WIN Document: Conditions of Women in Nigeria and Policy recommendations to 2,000 AD, 1985
213. The workers: Truth for Social Justice: A Newspaper by CSTWU
214. Toussaint, “A Trade Union is not a political party: a critic of the speech: were FOSATU stands” Ac No. 93 (1983)
215. Tousseint on workerism, socialism and the communist party” AC No. 114 (1988)
216. U. F. Diejomooh Industrial relations in a development context: the case of Nigeria
217. Ukandi G. Damachi, “Creating Industrial Peace in Nigeria” Guardian 11/8/84
218. V.I. Lenin, Against dogmatism and sectarianism in the working-class movement (1965)
219. V.I. Lenin, Forms of Working-class Movement. Collected Works Vol.20.
220. V.I. Lenin, Leftwing Communism: an infantile disorder selected works Vol. III chapter 6
221. V.I. Lenin, Narodniks and Liquidators in the Trade Union Movement Collected Works Vol.20
222. V.I. Lenin, On the International Working-class and Communist Movement (1961)
223. V.I. Lenin, On Trade Unions, Progress Publishers
224. V.I. Lenin, Once again on the Trade Unions, the current situation and the mistakes of Trotsky and Bukharin – Selected Works Vol. III
225. V.I. Lenin, Report on the role and tasks of the Trade Unions – Collected Works Vol.32.
226. V.I. Lenin, Tenth Congress of the R.C.P. collected works Vol. 32 section 5, 10 and 11
227. V.I. Lenin, The Trade Unions, the present situation and Trotsky’s mistakes collected works Vol. 32
228. V.I. Lenin, What is to be done? Selected works Vol. I chapter III
229. Vukajibombe Revolutionary Trade Unionism and the Tasks of the party” in Ac No. 103 (1985)
230. West Africa Magazine, A Correspondent reports on the tensions between the Government and Trade Unions in Sankara’s Burkina Faso 18 March, 1985
231. WIN, Constitution of WIN, 1982
232. WIN’S Position on Women in Politics
233. Wogu Ananaba, The Trade Union Movement in Nigeria
234. Workers’ Vanguard, Lessons of the abortive Niger State strike, 1985
235. Workers’ Vanguard: Massline: The Alternative: The analyst: New Labour Militant
236. Yusuf Bangura, Crisis and Adjustment: the experience of Nigerian workers, 1987
237. Yusuf Bangura, Crisis Management and Union struggle in Niger State, 1987
238. Yusuf Bangura, Industrial Crisis and the struggle for National Democracy: Lessons from Kaduna Textiles Ltd and the Workers Demonstration of Jan. 1984, 1987
239. Yusuf Bangura, Nationalism, Accummulation and Labour Subordination in Nigeria 1970-78, 1985
240. Yusuf Bangura, The recession and workers struggle in the vehicle assembly plants: A case study of steyn – Nigeria, 1986

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