POL 4313: Peace and Conflict Resolution
Instructor: M. M. Yusif
Course Description
The course explores the relationship between globalization and ethno-nationalist conflict and violence with the aim of grasping the dynamics of class forces, the state and external forces that have shaped ethnic relationships across the globe. A comparative study of ethnic conflict and management in both developed and developing countries would be made it also examines the various ways in which ethno-nationalist conflict has produced political and social changes to preserve good and tolerable ethnic relationships.
Topics and Readings
1. General Introduction: Introducing the Course; the topics to be treated; Course requirements; Assessment of the programme by students; Aid for learning and research; other issues;
1. M. M. Yusif, Principles of teaching and learning in classes of M. M. Yusif
2. M. M. Yusif, How to write small research project
3. Mauro C. and Rosanna D. “E-Research: An introduction to on-line political science sources for Beginners and Skeptics
4. Stephan V. F. Guide to Methods for Students of Political Science
2. Definition of Key Concepts
1. G. Glezerman, Classes and Nations Chapters 1 and 2
2. Jaroslav K. and Vitezalav V. Ethnic and Political nations in Europe Chapter 3
3. Samir Amir, Class and Nation; Historically and in the current crisis. Chapter 1
4. Peter A. Nationalism chapter 5
5. Ronaldo Munck, The difficult dialogue: Marxism and Nationalism
3. Ethnicity: Toward a General Theory and Experience of Ethnicity in Old and New World Order
1. Marina O. “Ethnic Politics in Africa, change and continuity”, in Richard J. (ed.) State, Conflict, and Democracy in Africa.
2. Bangura Y. The search for identity: Ethnicity and political violence
3. Ashley W. D. “Rethinking the National Question: Toward a Theory of Ethnicity and Nationality in the New World Order
4. Nathan G. and Daniel P. M. (eds) Ethnicity: Theory and Experience
5. R. A. Schermerhorn, Comparative Ethnic Relations: A Framework for Theory and Research
4. State and Ethno-National Conflict
1. Ifeka Caroline, Ethnic Nationalities, God and the State: Wither the FRN? ROAPE No.85
2. Larry Diamond, Class, Ethnicity and Democratic: Nigeria 1950-1966
3. Doornbos M. “Linking the future to the past: ethnicity and pluralism” ROAPE No.52
4. Jimmy D. K. “Ransoming the state: Elite Origins of Subaltern Terror in Sierra Leon”. In ROAPE No.81
5. Globalisation and Conflict: Theoretical Perspectives
1. Charles O. Lerche: The conflicts of globalization
2. Harvard H., Globalisation and conflict
3. Mark D., Internal conflict: Adaptation and reaction to globalization
4. Samir Amin, “Economic Globalisation and Political Universalism; Conflicting Issues”. Journal of World Systems Research
5. Yash Tandon, The Violence of globalization
6. Globalisation and Ethnic Conflicts: Some Perspectives
1. Samir A. Capitalism in the Age of Globalisation. Chapter 4
2. Berch B. Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict in the Age of Globalisation
3. John R. B. “The myth of Global Ethnic Conflict”. Journal f Democracy Vol. 7 No.4
4. Amy C. World on Fire: How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breed Ethnic Hatred and Global instability
5. Anamaria D. Globalisation and Ethnic Conflict: Beyond the Liberal Nationalist Distinction
7. New Ethnic Conflict in Africa and Beyond: An Overview
1. Ronnie L. and Bevely C. “Economic Globalisation and the New Ethnic Strife: What is to be done?
2. Patrice Tengo, “Globalisation, New War and Perpetuation of Conflicts in Africa”. Codesria Bulletin
3. Adebayo Adedeji (ed) Comprehending and Mastering African conflict: The Search for Sustainable Peace and good governance. Chapter 1
4. Steven I. B. “Nationalism and Civil Identity: Ethnic Models for Macedonia and Kosovo”. In Barnett R. (ed.) cases and strategies for preventive action”.
5. Mohammed S. (ed) Ecology, Politics and Violent Conflict. Chapters 1 and 2
8. Ethnic-Conflict and Collapse of States in Africa
1. Chris Allen, “Warfare, Endemic Violence and State Collapse in Africa” ROAPE No. 93/94
2. Stephen Ellis, “The Old roots of African New Wars”. IPS 2/2003
3. William Reno, Warlord Politics and African States
4. William I. Z. (ed.) Collapsed States: The Disintegration and Restoration of Legitimate Authority.
5. Jutta B. and Kirst S. “Violence and Social Order beyond the state: Somalia and Angola” ROAPE No.104/05
9. Settlers and Residents: Ethnic Conflict in the Era of Globalisation
1. Bashir Y. K. and Raufu, “The State, citizenship and Democracy in Nigeria. A case study of Zangon Kataf in Kaduna State
2. Samuel G. E. “Ethnicity and Citizenship Rights in Nigeria”
3. Mahmood M. Citizen and Subject
4. Mahmood M. “Kivu 1997: An essay on Citizenship and the state in Africa
5. Duny P. S. “Ethnicity and Political Conflict in Jos: Emergence, Dimensions and the way forward
10. Comparative Analysis of Ethnicity and Ethnic Conflicts in Africa; Eastern Europe and former Soviet Union
1. R. A. Schermerhom op. cit
2. Jaraslav K. and Vitezslav V. op. cit.
3. James K., “Europes Identity Problem and the New Islamist War”
4. Philip J., “Demographic Religion and the future of Europe
11. Globalisation and Ethnic Conflict Management
1. Ahmad A. H. “The Reconceptualisation of Conflict Management”. Journal of Peace and Development
2. Pemy M. “Ethnic Politics, Mediation and Conflict Resolution: The Guyana Experience”.
3. Anastasia O. “Institutional tools of Conflict Management – Asymeterical Federalism in Ethnic-Territorial Conflicts” Journal of Peace, Conflict and Development
4. Arend L. Democracy in Plural Societies: A Comparative Explanation
5. Rion L. and Hussaini S. “On Ethnicity and Ethnic Conflict Management in Nigeria”. In Africa Journal in Conflict Resolution
12. Ethnic Conflict: Peace-making; Humanitarian Law in Armed Conflict; Post-conflict Development and Reconstruction
1. Winrich K., “Peace support Operations: How to make them succeed” IPS 4/1999
2. James B. D. and Rafael P. M., “United Nations Peace Keepers and International Humanitarian Law: Can there be an alternative duty to prevent war crimes and crimes against Humanity?
3. David Moore, “Levelling the Playing Fields and embedding illusions: post conflict discourse and Neo-Liberal Development in war torn Africa”. ROAPE No.23
4. Kumar K. (ed) Post-conflict Elections: Democratisation and International Assistance
5. Aguta D. “theory Versus Practice: Peace Processes in Bosnia”. Journal of Peace and Development.
13. Reports on Semester Group Project, each Seminar will be invited to make presentation of small research project conducted during the semester. Then a response paper of each report will be submitted by another seminar
14. Conclusion
Theoretical conclusion and other discussions including criticism - self criticism during this period.
1. John B. conflict Resolution and Provention
2. James Mittleman (ed.) Globalisation: Critical Reflections
3. Robert Cox, A Perspective on globalization
4. Jan Aant Scholte, Globalisation: A Critical Introduction
5. Alliance Marxist Leninist. The National Question in the era of globalization
6. Eskor Toyo, The National Question in Nigeria
7. The debate on the National Question and Radical Politics in Nigeria
8. Margif B. and Gerald S. When Globalisation Discontent turn violent: Foreign Economic Liberalisation and internal war
9. Huntington S., The clash of civilization
10. Fukuyama F., The End of History
11. Francis M. D. “Mediating competing claims to self determination: The case of Sudan”. In Issa Shovji (ed.) State and Constitutionalism: An African debate on democracy
12. Fred W. R. “Globalisation, Ethnic Diversity and Nationalism: The Challenge of Democracies
13. Anne P. Overview of conflict management methods
14. Joseph E. S., “A new perspective on peace keeping: lessons from Bosnia and elsewhere”. In Global Governance Vol. 3 No.1
15. R. B. Jain, “Federalism in India: The Quest for Stability in Democratic Governance”
16. Bishnu N. M. “Democracy and the claims of diversity: Framing the Indian Experience
17. Jibrin Ibrahim, Ethno-Religious Limit to the construction of Federalism in Africa: Yugoslavia and Nigeria compared
18. Aaron T. Gana, “Federalism and the National Question in Nigeria: A theoretical exploration.
Course Requirements
- The teaching of the course is by giving lectures. Each topic is expected to be covered in one lecture period. When the duration of the Semester is against my plan some topics may be combined for treatment. The last 40 minutes of each period will be for presentation and discussion on chosen text or question.
- There will be a simulation of conflict resolution. It is going to be a theatric exercise on how to resolve conflict. A conflict situation – real or imagined would be formulated and the students will be organized in a kind of theatre performance of conflict resolution to bring peace.
- A poetic composition has always been part of this class work. This is to expose students to how to become poetic to express or depict their feelings on important social phenomena. Each member of the class or in group work will be expected to compose a poem which will reflect the subject-matter of the course or the class experience.
- Assessment of students is based on end of Semester Examination (70%) and Continuous Assessment (30%). The CA will be determined by obligatory weekly assignment; active participation in discussing the assignment; a group small research project; research project response paper; a supervised test; ICT usage; attendance
- At the end of the Semester each Seminar will submit a report on classroom experience
- There are many teaching Aids on my website which are recommended to enhance the capacity of students in ICT, communicative writing, etc
- In order to purify the system of learning and research I have to take strict disciplinary action against any student who is found on plagiarism. To avoid plagiarism you must not copy or paraphrase someone else work and present it as your own. Again, all texts consulted should be properly acknowledged. The penalty is that any work found to be plagiarized will receive zero. And any student found in two cases of plagiarism will result in being assessed “00” in the overall CA on the course.
POL 4313: Peace and Conflict Resolution
The following are semester seminar essays of students of Peace and Conflict Resolution of the last five Academic Sessions selected for the contributions they made on the subject. They are recommended for your studies in this academic year (2008/2009). You are hereby encouraged to follow the footsteps by working hard to produce a qualitative Group Essay materials to joint these ones
S/N Author(s) Title Year
1. Francis O. J. et al Africa the home of conflict; An analysis of changing pattern of conflict in a changing world 2003/2004
2. Mustapha Aminu et al Conflict Resolution in Post Cold War Africa: An assessment of the role of NGOs 2003/2004
3. Abdulhamid Ahmad Abdullahi et al Peacekeeping in Post Cold War Africa: A Critical Assessment 2003/2004
4. Suaibu Bawa Jaja et al The prospect and challenge of African Union in Conflict Management and Prevention 2003/2004
5. Abdullahi Shuaibu Yusuf et al The role of Ecomog, in Peacekeeping mission in Africa 2003/2004
6. Idris Yakubu Halliru et al Conflict Management in a multi-ethnic and Religious Society: The Nigerian Perspective 2003/2004
7. Adamu Fate Jigaware et al Globalization and Conflict: A case study of commercial conflict between USA and Europe 2004/2005
8. Hafsat Y. Kayasai et al Globalization and Conflict: A case of Iraq-USA War 2004/2005
9. Muhammad Hambali Mohammed Globalization and Conflict: A case study of Niger Delta Crisis 2004/2005
10. Chinedu I. U. et al Globalization and Conflict: A case study of Darfur 2004/2005
11. Hadiza Suleiman Sadiq and others Information and communication technology: A causes of conflict or a means of conflict resolution 2005/2006
12. Basher Shehu Abdul and others The two World of Digitisation: The advantaged and the disadvantaged worlds 2005/2006
13. Magaji Tsokwa Samfo and others Globalization and conflict management/resolution: A case study of Nigeria’s involvement in peacekeeping operation in Africa 2005/2006
14. Abdullatif Usman Ishaq Gloalisation, Oil and Conflict In Nigeria: A General Survey of Conflict in Niger Delta Area 2005/2006
15. Yusuf Muhammad Sani and others ICT and Ethnic violence in Third World Countries: An assessment of the role of media in promoting ethnic violence 2006/2007
16. Sule Usman and others Liberal Ethnicity and the quest for peace in the globalizing world 2006/2007
17. Nafiu Mahmud Saad et al Globalization and the New Ethnic Conflict: African Perspective 2007/2008
18. Habibu Sani et al Globalization and Ethnicity: A Survey 2007/2008
19. Sabiu Sani Shatsari et al Globalization and Ethnic Conflict: A Comparative Analysis of Yugoslavia and Somalia 2007/2008
20. Musbahu Muhammad et al Global Ethnic Conflict: Causes an Consequences 2007/2008
Monday, 1 June 2009
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