Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Information Age: Moving with ICTs to understand the World around us

Information Age: Moving with ICTs to understand the World around us

The world today is referred as Information Age. The name depicts a new human relationship governed by use or manipulation of information in process of production, generation of knowledge, democratisation practices, etc. Information and Communication Technologies are developed in doing these. The technologies concern the use of computer-based information system to convert, store, protect, process, transmit and retrieve information.

In generation and dissemination of knowledge these technologies have become necessary in modern world. Five years ago, without available facilities on the campus, inspite of all the difficulties, I had to introduce all categories of my students to internet, e-mail and e-journals for teaching, learning and research.

Now, these facilities have become a common phenomenon that my students have started carrying out social investigation on ICT and economic, political and social issues. In the 2007/2008 Academic Session, under my advice the following research works are produced:

1. Aliyu Jamilu (2007) Challenges of Information and Communication Technologies (CITs) on the Third World Countries: An analysis of the “Digital Divide”.

This work is an analysis of both the positive and negative impacts of ICT on the economy, politics, and culture of “Third World Countries”. It shows that economy of the developed world is becoming more and more developed compared to that of the developing countries because of ICTs
2. Aminu Audi (2007). Impact of Information Technology on Democracy

This study shows that internet is a political medium which has profoundly changed the way we communicate, participate and oppose or support government policies. Therefore, it promotes democracy on one hand, and on the other it undermines it.
3. Sule Usman (2007). The role of ICTs in Development and Underdevelopment of Third World Countries.

This is a concrete examination of pro-ICTs argument that these technologies enhance development of many sectors of developing countries.
4. Ahmad Ismail Maisinga (2007). The role of ICT in the Global Trading System

This research is on how the ICT increases the globalisation of the global trading system.
5. Ashahabu Isah (2007). Globalisation and Media in Nigeria.

This looks at ICT as media. The ICT propels globalisation and thus brings out how it affects the development of media in Nigeria
6. Ameenu Yahaya Mohammed (2007). ICT and Global Insecurity.

That ICT is globalisation and vice-versa. Both resulted in unequal distribution of opportunities and benefits among countries in the international system. There is inequalities between the North and South as a result of inequalities in information technology. This also produces feeling of insecurity
7. Sani Bala Shehu (2008). Globalisation of Information and Communication Technology at Local Level: A case study of municipal local government Kano – Nigeria

This research shows the impact of globalisation through the ICT at local and community level in Kano – Nigeria

M.M. Yusif
Department of Political Science
Bayero University, Kano–Nigeria
February, 2008

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