Tuesday, 7 November 2017









                                               July, 2017
1. The official commencement of WTO was on 1st January 1995 under the
(a). Uruguay Agreement, signed by 100 countries (b). Doha Round, signed by 123 nations (c). Marrakesh Agreement, signed by 123 nations (d). New York Agreement, signed by 150 nations

2. The Doha Development Round launched in 2001, deals with
(a). an explicit focus on developing countries (b). an explicit focus on underdeveloped countries (c). an explicit concern for least developed countries (d). an implicit focus on the developing countries.

3. The WTO deals with regulation of trade between participating countries by providing a framework for negotiating trade agreements and ............ aimed at enforcing participants' adherence to WTO agreements.
(a). peacekeeping process (b). conflict resolution process (c). Dispute resolution process (d). Harmonization process

4. Most of the issues that WTO focuses derive from previous trade negotiations, especially from the ..............
(a). Doha Round (b). Marrakesh Agreement 1995 (c). General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (d). The Uruguay Round 1986-1994

5. How many subjects were contained in the work programme of the Doha Round, with deadline of 1st January 2005.
(a). 28 Subjects (b). 21 Subjects (c). 5 Subjects (d). 31 Subjects

6. Who is the current Director General of WTO
(a). W. W. Rostow (b). Ban ki Moon (c). Roberto Azevedo (d). A. Dos Santos

7. The predecessor of WTO was
(a). General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). (b). International Trade Organization (ITO). (c). International Monetary Fund (IMF). (d). The World Bank

8. The Tokyo Round during the 1970s was the first major attempt to tackle trade barriers that ..................., and to improve the system.
(a). do not take form of tariffs (b). take form of tariffs (c). do not take form quotas (d). take form of non-tariffs

9. The then President of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, argued that progress would only be achieved if the richest countries made deeper cuts in Agricultural subsidies and further
(a) help the developing countries in terms of agriculture (b). open their borders for manufactured products (c). openned their markets for agricultural goods (d). give aid to member countries

10. The GATT still exists as the WTOs umbrella treaty for trade in goods, updated as a result of
(a). The Uruguay Round Negotiation (b). The Doha Round Agreement (c). The Marrakesh Agreement  (d). Universal Agreement on trade relations

11. The Uruguay Round has been successful in increasing binding commitments by both developed and developing countries, as may be seen in the percentage of tariffs bound before and after
(a). 1988-1992 talks (b). 1986-1994 talks (c). 1985-1994 talks (d). 1980-1999 talks

12. As a scope of WTO, all the following are included, except
(a). Common institutional framework for the conduct of trade relations among members (b). The agreement and associated legal instruments as in Annex 4 are part of the agreement for members that have accepted them (c). Conflict Resolutions among the members in terms of oil sector (d). The GATT 1994 as in Annex 1A is legally distinct from GATT 1947.

13. It is the functions of the WTO to do all the following, except
(a). Settlement of domestic disputes in the member states (b). Facilitation of implementation, administration and operation and further objectives of the agreement and multilateral trade agreement (c). Provide the framework for the implementation, administration and operation of the plurilateral trade agreement (d). Administer the Trade policy review mechanism

14. The Ministerial Conference composed of representatives of all the members, which shall meet only once in every two years
(a). Ambiguous (b). True (c). Not sure (d). False

15. The General Council shall convene as appropriate to discharge the following responsibilities, except
(a). Dispute settlement (b). Negotiation and compromise (c). Trade policies review (d). Oversee the functioning of the Multilateral Trade Agreement as in Annex 1A

16. What TRIPS stands for
(a). Trade Relation Aspects of Intellectual Products Rights (b). Trade Review Association of International Trade (c). Trade Relational Assimilation International Production Rights (d). Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
17. The second "T" as in GATT stands for
(a). Trade (b). Tariffs (c). Trading (d). Transaction

18. Article V of the WTO agreement deals with
(a). Dispute Resolution (b). Relations with other organizations (c). Responsibility of members (d). Free flow of Trade transactions

19. The WTOs secretariat is headed by
(a). Managing Director (b). Director General (c). Board of Directors (d) A and C

20. The committee on Budget, Finance and Administration shall review annual budget estimate and the financial statement presented by
(a). The Planning and Budgeting Committee (b). Ministerial conference (c). General Director (d). Director-General

21. As in Article X, decision on accession shall be taken by the Ministerial Conference subject to the agreement of
(a). Two-thirds majority of WTO members (b). Director General (c). General Assembly (d). One half of WTO members

22. Accession on a Plurilateral Trade Agreement shall be governed by the agreement of
(a). The director of Conference (b). Director General (c). The member states' representatives (d). The two thirds majority of WTO members

23. In particular cases and at the request of any member, the......... may review the operation of Article.....
(a). General Assembly/Article X. (b). Ministerial conference/Article VII (c). Secretariat/Article XIII (d). Ministerial Conference/Article XIII

24. Subject to Article XV, paragraph 1, Any member may withdraw from such agreement after the expiration of six months from the date a written notice was received by
(a). General Assembly (b). Director General (c.) Ministerial Conference (d.) Various Members of WTO

25. Miscellaneous Provisions come under Article XVI, paragraph 5 of the very article, states that:
(a). No reservations may be made in respect of any provision of this Agreement. (b). Each member shall ensure conformity of its law with the obligation as in the annexed Agreements. (c). The provision of this Agreement shall prevail to the extent of conflicts between provisions of this Agreement and of any Multilateral Trade Agreements. (d). Any member state is free to withdraw its membership from this Agreement.

26. Multilateral Agreements on Trade in Goods falls under
(a). Annex 1A (b). Annex 1B (c). Annex 2 (d). Annex 4

27. Annex 3 contains
(a) Plurilateral Trade Agreements (b). Trade Policy Review Mechanism (c) understanding Rules and procedures governing settlement of disputes. (d). General Agreement on Trade and Services and Annexes

28. Annex 4 enshrines
(a). Trade Policy Review Mechanism (b). Plurilateral Trade Agreements. (c).understanding Rules and procedures governing settlement of disputes. (d). General Agreement on Trade and Services and Annexes

29. As in Annex 2 one of the following is enshrined therein
(a). Understanding Rules and procedures governing settlement of disputes.   (b). Plurilateral Trade Agreements. (c).Trade Policy Review Mechanism(d). General Agreement on Trade and Services and Annexes

30. Which of the following organizational structures of WTO brings together all members of the organization and usually meets once in every two years
(a). General Assembly (c). The Secretariat (c). Members Council (d). Ministerial Conference

31.............. is a principle of WTO that required member countries to publish their trade regulations to maintain institutions allowing for the review of administrative decisions affecting trade.
(a). Binding and enforceable commitments (b). Transparency (c). Safety Values (d). None of the above

32. Non discrimination principle has two components, the Most Favoured Nation (MFN)  rule and the National Treatment Policy
 True or False

33............ is responsible for overseeing the functioning of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)
(a). Council for Trade in Goods (b). Council for Trade in Services (c). The Doha Round (d). Trade Negotiations committee

34. Which country has a longest accession period to WTO
(a) China (b). Nigeria (c). Brazil (d) Russia

35. In which year Vanuatu became the member of WTO
(a) 29 July, 2016 (b). 24 August 2012 (c). 1st January, 1999 (d). 17 July, 2014

36. Which among the following countries is the 164th member of WTO
(a). Somalia (b). Kazakhstan (c). Afghanistan (d). None of the above

37. Hong Kong became a member of WTO in the 1995. Thus, Hong Kong China predated The People's Republic of China which joined in 2001 after 15 years of negotiations
True or False

38. WTO has a total number of....... observers
(a). 164 (b). 26 (c). 24 (d). 25

39. The final phase of accession involves Bilateral Negotiations between the applicant Nation and other working party members
True or False

40. Which of the following countries had a shortest accession Negotiation period
(a). Kazakhstan (b). Kenya (c). Kyrgyzs Republic (d). None of the above

41. When has the Agreement on Agriculture (AOA) come into effect
(a). 1996 (b). 1994 (c). 1995 (d). None of the above

42. The following are Pillars of Agreement On Agriculture (AOA), except
(a) Domestic Support (b). Market Access (c). Import Subsidies (d). Export Subsidies

43. The Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures also known as SPS Agreement was negotiated under whichof the following Rounds
(a) Dilon Round (b). Doha Round (c) Tokyo Round (d). Uruguay Round

44. Since its creation WTO has....... number of Director General
(a). Six (b). Seven (c). Eight (d). Four

45. Who is the current Director General of WTO
(a). Pascal Lamy (b). Christian Lagaude (c). Roberto Azevedo (d). None of the above

46. In which year the procedures for the appointment of WTO Director General were published
(a). October 2013 (b). January 1995 (c). January 2003 (d). January 2002

47. Who was the first Director General of WTO
(a). Peter Suntherland (b). Pascal Lamy (c). Roberto Azevedo (d). Supchai Panitchpakdi

48. The General Agreement on Trade in Services was created to extend the Multilateral Trading System to Service Sector in the same way as the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) provided such a system for Mechandise Trade
True or False

49......... is the Committee that deals with the current trade Talks-Round
(a). Council for Trade in Goods (b). Council for Trade in Services (c). Trade Negotiations Committee TNC. (d). None of the above

50. In 2007, WTO member states represented 96.4% of Global Trade and 96.7% of Global GDP
True or False

51. A country wishing to accede to WTO must submit an application to the General Council and also has to describe all aspects of its trade and economic policies that have a bearing on WTO Agreements
True or False

52. The Secretariat of WTO is headed by ..........
(a) Secretary General (b) Governor General (c) Director General (d) Prime- minister

53.  At the meetings of the Ministerial Conference and General council, each member of WTO shall have.............
(a) two vote (b) one vote (c) three vote (d) four vote

54.  Which of the following Organ or Body is responsible for the appointment of WTO Director-General
(a) General Council (b) Ministerial conference (c) All of the above (d) Non of the Above

55. The highest Decision-making body of WTO is......... 
(a) security council (b) General assembly (c) General council (d) Ministerial conference

56. The fourth WTO ministerial conference in Doha 2001 approved China's entry to WTO.

57. As globalisation proceeds in Today's society, WTO could be reffered to as the product of globalization and also one of the most important organisation in Today's globalized society

58. Though WTO establishes a framework for trade policies, it does not define or specify its outcomes

59. All the following are principles of WTO except
 (a) Non Discrimination (b) Reciprocity (c) Transparency (d) Accountability

60. During the Doha Round , the .......... Government blamed Brazil and India for being inflexible and EU for impeding Agricultural imports.
(a) Russia (b) U.S (c) China (d) Germany

61. The final act concluding the Uruguay Round and officially establishing the WTO regime was signed ..........
(a) 17 April 1994 (b) 15 May 1994 (c) 15 April 1994 (d) 17 May 1994

62. The WTO shall not administer the Trade Policy Review Mechanism (TPRM) provided for in annex 3 to this agreement is another function of WTO

63. The WTO may conclude a headquarters agreement as a Status of WTO

64. The WTO has established a framework for trade policies but does not define or specify the outcomes

65. Before GATT's .........  anniversary, its members concluded that the GATT system was straining to adapt to a new globalizing world economy
(a) 40th anniversary (b) 4th anniversary (c) 30th anniversary (d) 41st anniversary

66.The scope of the WTO is in article ........
(a) Article iv (b) Article vii (c) Article iii (d) Article I

67. Which of the following is not among the structure of WTO
(a) Ministerial conference (b) General Assembly (c) General Council (d) Non of the above

68. The retention of protectionism on farm subsidies to domestic agricultural sector was requested by WTO members from developing countries .
  True  or false

69. The function of WTO was provided under article 3  True  or False

70. Article 5 of WTO provided that there shall be a secretariat of WTO headed by Director General

71.Which of the following articles of WTO deals with WTO relations with other organization
(a) Article ii (b) Article iii (c) Article vi (d) Article v

72. The Council for trade in goods shall oversee the functional of the multilateral trade agreement in Annex 1A

73. AN  acronym TRIPS stands for
(a)Trade Regulations and Inspection Policy Services
(b) Tariffs Required Interest and Profit Sources
(C) Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
(d) Non of the above

74.  Article IV of WTO States that the ministerial conference shall established a committee on the following except
( a ) Trade and Development ( b)Balance of Payment
( c) Finance and Administration ( d ) Non of the above

75. Article VI of WTO States that the responsibilities of the Director General and of the staff of the WTO secretariat shall  not be exclusively international in character
True or  False

76. In the discharge of their duties as in article VI the Director General and the staff of the WTO secretariat shall not seek or accept instructions from any authority external to WTO

77. Article VII of WTO deals with
(a) the structure of WTO (b ) function of WTO (c) WTO budget and contribution (d) WTO relations with other organizations

78. The status of WTO was provided under
 (a) article X (b) Article ix (c) Article viii (d) Article iii

79.  The European commission have a number of votes equal to the number of their states

80. Article ix of the WTO states that decision of the ministerial conference and of the general council shall not be taken by a majority votes cast

81. The Economist Harry White and John Maynard Keynes at the Btetton Wood conference recommended the establishment of the following institution except
(a) international monetary fund IMF (b) World Bank (c) United Nations Organizations UNO (d) International Trade Organization ITO

82. Though there are 11 committees under the jurisdiction of the council for trade in goods with a specific task,not all members of WTO participate in the committees.
True or False
83. Council for trade in service is open to all WTO members, and can create subsidiary as required.
 True or False
84..Under the SPS agreement the WTO set constraints on members policies relating food safety and not animal and plant health.
 True or False
85. One of the following Nigerians in one time served as the deputy WTO director-general.
 (a) Lurwanu Lukman (b)Bode Judge (c)Yonoy Fredrick Agah (d)Emeka Anyaku
86. Retention of protectionism on farm subsidies to domestic agricultural sector and substantiation of fair trade on agricultural products remain the major obstacles that made it impossible to lunch new WTO negotiations beyond Doha Round .
 True or False
87.Five rounds of negotiations occurred under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).
 True or False
88. The first major attempt of the Tokyo round was to not tackle barriers that do not take the form of tariffs.
 True or False
89. The General Council of WTO has the following subsidiary bodies which oversees committees in different areas except.
 (a) Council for trade in good (b)Council for trade in services (c)Trade negotiation committee (d)Trade evaluation committee.
90. As of JUNE 2012 one of the following General council subsidiary body was tasked with the Doha round developmental tasks.
 (a) Council for trade in goods (b)Trade negotiation committee (c) Council for trade in services (d)All of the above.
91. Dispute settlement is regarded by the WTO as the central pillar of multilateral trading system and as a unique contribution to the stability of the global economy.
 True or False
92. The WTO ministerial conference brings together all members of WTO all of which are countries or custom unions
True or False
93. The Bali Ministerial Declaration in 2013 addressed the bureaucratic barriers to commerce although the future of the Doha Round remains uncertain.
True or False
94. It is not the WTO’s duty to review and propagate the national trade policies and to ensure the coherence and transparency of trade policies.
 True or False
95. The acronym IBRD Stands for
 (a) International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (b) International Bureau for reconstruction and development (c) International Bank for reconstruction and Deficit (d) Non of the above.
96. The acronym TPRM Stands for
 (a) Trade policy review machine (b) Trade review policy mechanism (c) trade policy review mechanism (d) Non of the above
97. The fourth ministerial conference in Doha 2001 approved the entry to the WTO of one of the following country
 (a) China (b) Morroco (c) Indonesia (d) India
98. Which of the following is a function of WTO
( a) implementation, administration and operation of multilateral trade agreement (b) To provide a forum for negotiations and settling of dispute (c) A and B (d) Non of the above
99. The WTO serves as ....... between nations when trade problem arises
(a) Mediator (b) Negotiator (c) Court (d) Arbitrator
100. In what year did WTO launched the current negotiations of the Doha development round.
 (a) November 2000 (b) November 2001 (c) November 2002 (d) November 1998.

Thursday, 22 June 2017






ACADEMIC YEAR: 2016/2017

 Spectre is hauting the world – both developed and developing countries -.  This is a spectre against neo-liberalism.  Another paradigm of development of human society has failed.  All that are derived from its teaching over four decades look as outdated as communism, especially in a proactive, vibrant and development-oriented society.

The developing countries have come back to face the dilemma about their development.  They had at different time tried every theory and strategy to bring them development, but it was a failure.

Neo-liberalism came to them at a time of impasse in their search of development direction.  Major international financial institutions along with small number of well-known professional economists mounted what both their supporters and critics call “counter-revolution” in development theory and strategy.

As the developing countries rushed to fall into the new agenda, not far on the journey, suddenly, neo-liberalism began to show a face of a zombie science and policy practice system, until when it finally crumbles with wider social, political and economic ramifications across the globe.

The search for a new development perspective is imperative. But what are we going to say about the common dictum that “There is no alternative” to neo-liberal politics.

This notwithstanding there is increasing evidence to show that neo-liberalism failed.  This is real because even the proponents of neo-liberalism admits when they tried to save it.  The World Bank came with Social Adjustment Programme and the Washington Consensus with what Dani Rodnic called “Augmented Washington Consensus”.

These stress the failure of neo-liberalism; therefore it is not invalid to argue that the developing countries are to re-think of their development agenda to reclaim development by putting alternatives to neo-liberal policies or in short new direction to their development.

This will raise another fundamental question that what would be the nature of development in post neo-liberal society?.

The orientation of the course would further our understanding of the impact of neo-liberal crisis on future development in post neo-liberal developing countries. Would there be a shift from globalisation to localisation or nationalisation? Would the forces of neo-liberalism become strong to re-organise and sustain the neo-liberal agenda?.

The objective of the course is to introduce students to complexity of theory in understanding the unfolding crisis of neo-liberalism and the future course of development in developing countries in order to come to grip with challenges of development in post neo-liberal society.  We are going to re-think about the meaning of development to periscope it through multiple lenses instead of a single ideological orientation.

1.      General Introduction
2.      Concept and Method: The key concept is space
3.      Context and Theory: From modernisation to neo-liberalism
4.      Context and Theory: The Neo-liberal theory of development
5.      Re-thinking the meaning of development
6.      The myth and reality of the neo-liberal perspective of development
7.      Neo-liberalism in crisis: Theoretical perspective
8.      The politics of Free Market: USA; Britain
9.      Neo-liberalism: Crisis management
10. Alternative policies
11. A new direction of development strategies
12. Theoretical conclusion

1.      David H.; “Space as a Key Word” In A Critical Reader
2.      Frans J. S.; (ed.); Beyond the Impasse: New Directions in Development Theory.
3.      Matthew M. T.; “Development Economics in the Wake of the Washington Consensus: From Smith to Smith Screans”.
4.      Lozenzo G.B.; “Development and Development Paradigms”. Resources for Policy Making Paper.
5.      Dube S. C.; Modernisation and Development: The Search for Alternative, Chapters 1, 2, and 3.
6.      Susan George; “The Neo-liberal Gospel”.  A Conference Paper.
7.      Bjorn Beckman, “The Liberation of Civil Society, Neo-liberal and Political Theory” ROAPE No. 48.
8.      Raymond P.; The Neo-liberal State. Part II.
9.      David H.; A Brief History of Neo-liberalism.
10. Simon C. “The Neo-liberal Theory of Society”.  Online.
11. Patnaik I. K.; “A Critique of Neo-liberal Development and Alternative”.  Online.
12. John Rapley; “New Directions in the Political Economy of development”.  ROAPE No.62.
13. John Rapley; “Understanding Development: Theory and Practice in the Third World.
14. Gilbert Rist,; The History of Development: From Western Origin to Global Faith.  Chapters 1, 4-7.
15. Seers Dudley; “The Meaning of Development.” In Lehman (ed.) Development Theory.
16. Jane E. L. and Suante C.; Comparative  Political Economy: Development approach.
17. Immanuel Wallenstein; “Development: Lodestar or Illusion?”
18. Bob Sutcliffe; “The Place of Development in Theories of Imperialism and Globalisation”.  Online.
19. Eskor-Toyo; “Non-Ethnocentric Flows in Competing Non-Marxist Paradigms of Development”.  In Yolamu Barongo (ed.) Political Science in Africa: A Critical Review.
20. Kean B. and Vlad M.; The Rise and Fall of Neo-liberalism: The Collapse of an Economic Order.  Chapters 2, 5, 8, 13.
21. Monica P.; The Politics of Free Markets: The Rise of Neo-liberal Economic Policies in Britain, France, Germany and the United States.
22. Hajoon C. and Ilene G.; Reclaiming Development: An Alternative Economic Policy Manual.
23. John T.; Dilemmas of Development: Reflections on the Counter-revolution in Development Theory and Policy.
24. Mare B. and Marion J. (eds.); Making Globalisation Socially Sustainable.
25. John Redwood; “Britain and Europe: Yes to a common Market, No to Monetary and Political Union”.   In Global Dialogue, Vol. 5, No.3-4.
26. Yannis A. S.; “Europe and the Growth of International Society: Anarchy more than Culture.  In Global Dialogue.
27. Henry Vettmeyer; “Beyond pragmatic Neo-liberalism: From social inclusion and poverty reduction to equality and social change”.
28. Ziya O. And Ali B., “The Global Economic crisis and the future of Neo-liberal globalisation: Rufture versus continuity”.
29. Charles G.; “The Rise and Fall of the Washington Consensus as a Paradigm for Developing Countries”.
30. Elmar A.; Post-neoliberalism or Post-capitalism? The Failure of Neo-liberalism in the Financial Market Crisis.
31. Zarembka R. and Soerderbeg; “Neo-liberalism in crisis, Accumulation and Rosa Luxemburg’s Legacy”.
32. Mortin H.; “Neo-liberalism: Myths and Reality” Monthly Review Vol. 57, No.11.
33. Guenther B.; “The Near-Death of Liberal Capitalism: Perspective from the Weber to the Polanyi Brothers”.  Politics and Society Vol. 31, No.3.
34. Carvota P.; “Rethinking Globalisation after the collapse of the Financial Bubble”.
35. Howard H. W.; “World Trade Order and the Beginning of the Decline of the Washington Consensus”. IPS Vol.3.
36. Dalip Swamy; “An Alternative to Globalisation” Third World Resurgence No. 74.
37. Arthur M.; Neo-liberalism or Democracy? Economic Strategy, Markets, and Alternatives for the 21st Century.
38. Leslie S.; “Globalisation: Capitalism and its Alternatives.  Chapters 10, 11 and 12.
39. Keith Griffin; Alternative Strategies for Economic Development.
40. Ngozi I. O. I.; Reforming the Unreformable: Lessons from Nigeria.
41. Ibrahim Ayagi; The Trapped Economy.

These 41 texts are prescribed essential reading on the subject.  They are deliberately recommended because of their importance on theoretical grounds and debates on the issue under discussion.  But given the unfolding dynamic of the social problem and the attraction of it by scholars, you are expected to be adventurous to source and read other texts with a view to understand the subject.

§  Evaluation of students will be based on end of the semester examination (70%) and Continuous Assessment (30%);
§  The last 30 minutes of each period is for discussion of a disputed area or an important text on the course;
§  On the Continuous Assessment students will be required to do so many things to meet the standard:
a.      Weekly assignment: this is as important as the end of the semester examination as any student who failed to do one will miss all the points ear-marked for that.
b.     A Seminar small research project, the importance of this is as the weekly assignment.
c.      There is going to be small research Project Response Papers as one seminar will review the work of another.
d.     Working Group Discussion would be organised during class hours.
e.      A supervised test – the type which test effective performance of student in learning.
f.       Class Attendance is a compulsory requirement:
§  In order to build competence and skills in work, you would be expected to improve on usage of ICT for learning.  Make use of the recommendations of Mauro and Rosanna circulated at 200 Level.
§  The relationship between students on the one hand and the teacher on the other determines a successful teaching, learning and research programme for development of knowledge.  So, among you the students talk to each other.  Then with your teacher there should be no fear.  Fear and learning are incompatible.
§  All other things on the requirement of class work at 200 Level are applied here:
a.      For example; plagiarism and other academic dishonesty will not be tolerated;
b.     Secondly, active participation by asking questions, making observation and comments is the best way of learning which each student is hereby advised to use and indeed would be rewarded;
c.      Finally, my watch word is be critical, ruthless criticism of everything that exist as Karl Marx said. Criticism facilitates growth of knowledge.  In knowledge there is no absolute truth.  Make your contribution.

The principles which govern the style of my teaching remains.  It is what educationists call from teaching to learning.
a.      This is that I teach you by making you to learn to teach yourself and others;
b.     Therefore, I become like your facilitator to learn;
c.      My relationship with you is not of authority but of partnership and friendship for learning;
d.     In order to promote this principle, the relationship in dissemination of ideas is of openness and liberal tradition which make students to continue asking self a question and searching for answer;
e.      Other requirements of this principles include tolerance in diversity of ideas, hospitality among students in sharing ideas and sources of ideas, trust and hard work; and
f.       These will make you to master ways of acquiring knowledge independently and to build capacity for learning and study in the sense of not been credulous.